Fixing Seat Tracks

 (and Why Neanderthals Shouldn’t Own Cars)

When we first looked at Roxanne, we were impressed by the lack of rust she had. Old VWs are known to get cancerous swiss-cheesesque rust. Now, things are a great deal better here on the West Coast, with the absence of salt on the roads in the winter, but It’s still present and a huge concern for these 35+ year old gems. We found out the PO (Previous Owner) welded in new floor pans and there was an engine rebuild 3 years ago, which took a load off my mind. I would enjoy doing both projects, but at this point I need a project scaled down to the space and time I have.

The only glaring issues were the absence of an installed passenger seat, seat-belts and a slow oil leak.  (What can you expect from a 35-year-old car?)

We bought her anyway.

I knew there was something up when I noticed the driver’s seat was NOT stock. It had been jerry-rigged, with two hardware-store bolts through the wheel well and a slot cut to accommodate the seat being an inch narrower than the stock seats. Luckily, 1976 1/2 Buses share the same seat bracket as the early (or maybe all?) Vanagons. $80 and an hour drive got us a near-mint set of seats.

 It needed some grease and coaxing but the passenger seat installed flawlessly.

Then I took off the Redneckified seat. Oh, the humanity.



My theory is that somewhere along the line a neanderthal owned the bus and could’t get his protruding forehead/brain around the fact the seats SLID. Yes, pull lever. Slide seat out. Depress tab du-dad keeping seat from sliding completely out. Seat removed . I can just imagine the hours hours of  sweating,  swearing  and finger-jamming  this person did with a crow bar and  hammer trying to pry the seat out. Well, I suppose they should get credit for sticking with it and accomplishing the task. One participatory bronze star for you.

After a day or two contemplating the issue and some help from the peanut gallery at TheSamba, this was the fix I conjured.


Broken center-punch, peen hammer and a jig to make sure the bracket didnt get over bent20131203_185742

Testing to see if the tracks were bent down enough

Tada.20131203_191124I would have preferred  low-backed seats of a different color but for the price, I’m ok just using seat covers.

After owning two air-cooled VWs, I’ve realized that much of the work involves correcting previous owner’s “fixes” or “features.”

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